Friday, March 7, 2008
8:34 PM nothing too exciting going on right now, but i wanted to let you know i added a March 08 album to webshots. the pics are from the last week or so. I didn't label the pics because half way thru the upload the computer froze and i couldn't get to the page where i can title all of them at once, otherwise i would have to do it individually. Anyways, they are from the bowling alley, we went to support our friend Mary at a Bowl-a-thon, and brandon had fun eating pizza and riding in the car game with Juan. Some of the pictures are from a day we spent at mission bay, it was beautiful outside. Brandon kept trying to crawl really far away in the grass. There are a few pics from around the house, brandon has the cutest soccer jersey on, and then of course the infamous teeth pictures! Enjoy! Baby news...I had my 27 week check-up this past week. I had to take the glucose test to see if I had developed gestational diabetes and take a test for my iron levels. The glucose test came back normal, but my iron was kind of low. So now I get to take iron twice a day, which really isn't a big deal. I think I had to do that when I was pregnant with Brandon too. Everything else looked good. The baby is measuring on time and I got to hear his heart beating again. Sunday I will be 28 weeks pregnant so we've got 12 (or less) to go!! 1 left a comment |
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