Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Dr. Suess Nursing Poem
7:34 AM Would you nurse him in the park? Would you nurse him in the dark? Would you nurse him with a Boppy? And when your boobs are feeling floppy? I would nurse him in the park, I would nurse him in the dark. I'd nurse with or without a Boppy. Floppy boobs will never stop me. Can you nurse with your seat belt on? Can you nurse from dusk till dawn? Though he may pinch me, bite me, pull, I will nurse him ..till he's full! Can you nurse and make some soup? Can you nurse and feed the group? It makes him healthy strong and smart, Mommy's milk is the best start! Would you nurse him at the game? Would you nurse him in the rain? In front of those who dare complain? I would nurse him at the game. I would nurse him in the rain. As for those who protest lactation, I have the perfect explanation. Mommy's milk is tailor made It's the perfect food, you need no aid. Some may scoff and some may wriggle, Avert their eyes or even giggle. To those who can be cruel and rude, Remind them breast's the perfect food! I would never scoff or giggle, Roll my eyes or even wiggle! I would not be so crass or crude, I KNOW that this milk's the perfect food! We make the amount we need The perfect temp for every feed. There's no compare to milk from breast- The perfect food, above the rest. Those sweet nursing smiles are oh so sweet, Mommy's milk is such a treat. Human milk just can't be beat. I will nurse, in any case, On the street or in your face. I will not let my baby cry, I'll meet his needs, I'll always try. It's not about what's good for you, It's best for babies, through and through. I will nurse him in my home, I will nurse him when I roam. Leave me be lads and ma'am. I will nurse hhim, Mom I am 0 left a comment |
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