Saturday, May 10, 2008
Colin's birth story 12:14 PM

Everyone is asking for Colin's birth story, so here it is, to the best of my memory.

Friday night, May 2, I was having very frequent Braxton Hicks contractions. Even though I wasn't due for another month, I had mentioned to Juan that we really needed to start getting ready for the baby. So, that night we made a list of things that needed to be done the next day: Pack my hospital bag, install the car seat, fill out my admissions paper work for the hospital, and buy a few more things on our list. Well, I went to bed that night and woke up around 2:30am, having more contractions, but this time I was also cramping. These were now REAL contractions!

So, we called my mom and told her to come down to watch Brandon while we went to the hospital. We left as soon as she got here.


When we got to the hospital, they checked me for dialation and I was only 1cm dialated. They told us to wait 2 hours and come back to be re-checked. 2 hours later I was only at 2cm. They said they couldn't admit me until I was at least 3cm. They told us we could either go home, or wait another 2 hours and come back. The next two hours were pretty miserable. I was having VERY painful contractions every two to three minutes. Finally at 11am, we went back to get checked again and I was finally at 3cm.

So, I got admitted and got set up for an epidural around that time. I felt so much better after getting the epidural! Relief! So I got a little bit of sleep and the doctor came back around 2pm, checked me again, and again at 4pm. At 4, i was only 5cm dialated. At that point, she broke my water. She said she would come back again at 6pm. Well, around 5, I told the nurse that I was feeling pressure and I would like to be checked again. I went from 5cm to 10cm in that short hour. Breaking my water must have progressed the labor. She asked me to do a practice push, and I did. Colin was ready to be born. So the doctor called in all the nurses and another doctor. Since he was going to be born pre-term, they wanted another doctor there and a lot of extra staff.

So I started pushing. I pushed thru two contractions and out came Colin. They had to bring him immediately to the warming table to make sure he was breathing ok. He looked great! Juan cut the cord and they brought him over to me. He was beautiful!!!

welcome to the world!

cutting the cord

Colin weighed in at 5lbs 14.8oz and was 19 1/2 inches long. He has light hair, light skin and beautiful blue eyes! (we'll see if they stay blue!)

5 lbs, 15 oz

I got to nurse him right away and he latched on really well and sucked away. 10 minutes later, Big Brother Brandon and Nemah arrived to see Colin. It was really a special moment...

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