Monday, May 11, 2009
Big Boy Bed
6:31 PM We decided to "just do it" and took Brandon's crib down so he could sleep in his "Big Boy Bed". It's a toddler bed that he'll sleep in until we get him a full size bed. We made a big deal about taking down his crib and talking to him about sleeping in the bed. He would get into the bed and say "night night". So when it was time for him to go to sleep, we thought it would be easy. He cried for a bit and Daddy stayed with him until he fell asleep (which only took about 5 minutes!!) He was fine until about 2am, he woke up crying and came to the door. We had to put him back in bed and he fell back asleep until 3am. This time it was much harder to get him to go back to sleep. Mommy ended up in the tiny bed with him for a few hours. The plan was to only stay in there a few minutes, but every time i moved to go out of his room, he woke up and looked at me and patted on the bed signaling for me to get back in there with him. I eventually fell asleep and woke up two hours later all cramped up. Anyways, I left and he did stay in there until 8am! Nap time was a different story. He refused to sleep and I ended up just letting him stay up because his crying was waking Colin up from his nap. Plus he had to be ready for speech therapy to start in an hour. The second night was a little harder (so far). He fell asleep crying at the door. I picked him up and put him back in bed and so far he is still out, but seeing him asleep at the door was just heartbreaking... Anyways, here are a few pictures. I'm too scared to go in there to take any pictures of him asleep yet because I don't want to wake him up. Maybe in a few days I'll brave it. Hopefully he sleeps all night tonight...(we'll see!!) Here is his bed with all of his little animal friends: Mommy showing Brandon how to sleep in his bed: He lays down: He instantly sat back was tough love leaving him there... 1 left a comment |
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