Friday, May 16, 2008
the story behind Brandon's shirt
11:53 AM Well, when I was pregnant with Colin, I wanted to get a shirt for Brandon that said "I'm the big brother" that he could wear to the hospital when Colin was born. I looked EVERYWHERE for a shirt like that, and I did see a bunch of them, but they were all like size 4T or bigger. Why they don't make "big brother" shirts in size 18 months, I don't know. So, I decided to make the shirt myself with iron-on letters. Well, I had a really hard time with the letters and they were falling off left and right. I had all intentions of fixing the shirt before Colin was born, but since he came early, I never got around to it and Brandon ended up wearing a shirt with a missing "M", saying "I the big brother"...oh well... 1 left a comment |
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